Pieces of Raptura

Epilogue: Pieces of Raptura Index

Click on the "about epilogue" tab located on the far right for more information.

About the epilogue

About the epilogue
Spoilers: The epilogue deals with the aftermath of what happened in the main series.
Rhee sacrificed himself, leaving Rapture in a state of emotional distress.
Rapture wants to remember the past but to do so, she must use dark magick.
It's up to you to determine her fate. Should she remember everything that happened? Should her memories be replaced?
Find out more about Rapture and her time with Rhee.
The link "spells" will direct you to browser games which is part of the epilogue gameplay.
There is also a link to communicate with Rapture using "Neuro Chat"
The discord widget allows you to see text that is sent form the websites chat.
The widget is somewhat unreliable and you may have to manually refresh to see updates.

Rhee's Rapture Portal